Asa am ajuns in Memphis.


 Seara trecuta ma uitam la ultimul episod din serialul "Newsroom". Un serial cat de cat decent cu o poveste destul de interesant. Ceva ce nu vezi in fiecare zi si de la care nu ai mari asteptari. Dupa cateva episoade interesant din al 3a sezon au decis sa incheie sezonul cu o melodie cat de cat decenta.
O piesa destul de interesant. Vorbeste de dragoste, de drumurile care duc spre "Memphis" unde este femeia vietii a celui indragostit si descrie cam tot ceea ce este, acest indragostit, dispus sa faca pentru iubirea lui.
El a ajuns in Memphis umbland dupa ea sa ii spuna ca o iubeste. Eu astazi ascult aceste versuri si vreau sa ajung in Memphis. Vreau sa merg dupa fata care o plac, de care sunt indragostit, pe care o iubesc si sa imi exprim acel sentiment cu o simpla cantare ca si asta. Vreau si eu in ziua aceea cand ea v-a fii in "Memphis", adica departe de mine pentru ca asta inteleg eu cu aceasta expresie, sa merg dupa ea si sa ii zic ca o iubesc.

If you love somebody enough
You'll follow wherever they go
That's how I got to Memphis
That's how I got to Memphis
If you love somebody enough
You'll go where your heart wants to go
That's how I got to Memphis
That's how I got to Memphis
I know if you'd seen her you'd tell me 'cause you are my friend
I've got to find her and find out the trouble she's in
If you tell me that she's not here
I'll follow the trail of her tears
That's how I got to Memphis
That's how I got to Memphis
She would get mad and she used to say
That she'd come back to Memphis someday
That's how I got to Memphis
That's how I got to Memphis
I haven't eaten a bite
Or slept for three days and nights
That's how I got to Memphis
That's how I got to Memphis
I've got to find her and tell her that I love her so
I'll never rest 'til I find out why she had to go
Thank you for your precious time
Forgive me if I start to cryin'
That's how I got to Memphis

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